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The bullet sparkline formula has the following options:

MeasureA number or reference that represents the length of the measure bar, such as 5 or "A1".
TargetA number or reference that represents the location of the target line, such as 7 or "A2".
MaxiA number or reference that represents the maximum value of the sparkline, such as 10 or "A3".
GoodA number or reference that represents the length of the good bar, such as 3 or "A4". This setting is optional. The default value is 0.
BadA number or reference that represents the length of the bad bar, such as 1 or "A5". This setting is optional. The default value is 0.
ForecastA number or reference that represents the length of the forecast line, such as 8 or "A6". This setting is optional. The default value is 0.
TickunitA number or reference that represents the tick unit, such as 1 or "A7". This setting is optional. The default value is 0.
ColorSchemeA string that represents a color scheme for displaying the sparkline. This setting is optional. The default value is "#A0A0A0".
VerticalA boolean that represents whether to display the sparkline vertically. This setting is optional. The default value is false.

Sample Usage

In order to use the BULLETSPARKLINE formula, start with your edited Excellentable:

Then type in the BULLETSPARKLINE formula in the area you would like to display the outcome:

By adding the values you would like to calculate the BULLETSPARKLINE formula for, Excellentable will generate the outcome:


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