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Errors and Warning messages while migrating Excellentable


Please select a space to Export

Trying to export the Excellentable space without selecting the space in  "Choose the space to Export" drop down list.

Choose a space from the dropdown

Please select a space to Import

Trying to Import the Excellentable without selecting the space in  "Choose the space to Import" drop down list.Choose a space from the dropdown

Error reading the zip File

Trying to import excellentable without attaching the zip fileSelect a zip file from the menu

There is nothing to migrate in this Space.

Importing a duplicate (have already uploaded the original the space to see if the migration is already done.

XML doesn't have data for <num> Excellentable(s). Please try exporting the space and Excellentable, and importing again.

Excellentable xml and the imported space have inconsistent dataTake a fresh export of Space and and try importing again

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.