Excellentable is mirrored when copying the Confluence page containing it
When a user uses Confluence's Page Copy feature (only applicable if the page contains Excellentable macro), changes made to the Excellentable in the source page is also reflected in the destination page. This is a known bug and until the bugfix is available, we recommend using the workaround below:
Workaround (for Server):
- Open the source Confluence page in Edit mode.
- Copy the contents of the Confluence page including the Excellentable macros.
- Create a new page in Confluence.
- Paste the contents including the Excellentable from the source page to the newly created (destination) page.
- Save/publish the new page and exit from edit mode.
- Exit the source page from edit mode.
- Enter the Excellentable edit mode from the new page.
- Make a change or two.
- Save the change(s) and exit Excellentable edit mode.
- Refresh the source page.
Excellentable macros on the new page should now be complete disassociated from the source pages. The Excellentables should not be the same anymore.
Below is a video demonstrating the workaround:
Workaround (Cloud):
- Export the Excellentable from the source Confluence page
- Create a new page in Confluence.
- Publish and exit the new page edit mode
- Enter the new page in edit mode
- Insert the Excellentable macro
- Enter the Excellentable edit mode
- Import the Excellentable from the source page
- Save the spreadsheet and exit
- Save and exit the new page edit mode
Below is a video demonstrating the workaround: