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Excellentable is mirrored when creating a new page using custom space template.


When a user uses Confluence's custom space templates (only applicable if the custom space template contains Excellentable macro), it shows the empty table, when user edits the Excellentable in page edit mode.changes made. This is a known bug and until the bug fix is available, we recommend using the workaround below:


  1. Create new page using the custom space template.
  2. Create a new page using Custom space template and Save (NOTE: do NOT edit Excellentable before saving)
  3. The same data is now rendered in Excellentable as same as in Custom template.
  4. Editing the page should be OK now

Below is a video demonstrating the workaround.

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Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.