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Returns the position at which a string is first found within text, case-sensitive.

Sample Usage


FIND("wood","How much wood can a woodchuck chuck",14)


FIND(search_for, text_to_search, [starting_at])

  • search_for - The string to look for within text_to_search.

  • text_to_search - The text to search for the first occurrence of search_for.

  • starting_at - [ OPTIONAL - 1 by default ] - The character within text_to_search at which to start the search.


  • FIND is case-sensitive, meaning that uppercase and lowercase letters matter. For example, "abc" will not match "ABC". To ignore case, use the SEARCH function.
  • Ensure that search_for and text_to_search are not supplied in reverse order, or the #VALUE! error will likely be returned. The arguments are supplied in a different order than other text functions such as SPLIT and SUBSTITUTE.
  • It's recommended to use a function such as IFERROR to check for cases when there aren't matches to the search.

See Also

SUBSTITUTE: Replaces existing text with new text in a string.

SPLIT: Divides text around a specified character or string, and puts each fragment into a separate cell in the row.

SEARCH: Returns the position at which a string is first found within text, ignoring case.

IFERROR: Returns the first argument if it is not an error value, otherwise returns the second argument if present, or a blank if the second argument is absent.

In order to use the FIND formula, start with your edited Excellentable:

Then type in the FIND formula in the area you would like to display the outcome:

By adding the values you would like to calculate the FIND formula for, Excellentable will generate the outcome:


Addteq Inc
New Jersey
Position of the first "J" in cell A3, starting with the third character:

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