Instance Level - Decimals
What does Decimals mean?
Setting the Decimals at the Instance Level sets the default Decimal point used for all Excellentables under this Instance. The Decimal point selected will change how many Decimal points are shown to the selected way within the Excellentable.
How to get to it?
- Follow instructions in How to get to Instance Settings.
- Click drop down next to Decimals.
- You will have the ability to search for the Decimal point you'd like to use by either using the search box or scrolling.
Available Decimal Points
Decimal Point | View |
0 | 1 |
1 | 1.1 |
2 | 1.11 |
3 | 1.111 |
4 | 1.1111 |
5 | 1.11111 |
6 | 1.111111 |
7 | 1.1111111 |
8 | 1.11111111 |
9 | 1.111111111 |
10 | 1.111111111 |