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Context Menu

On Right-click, the following options will show up.

CutCuts the selected cell or data.Always available
CopyCopies the selected cell or data.Always available
PastePastes the copied or cut cell or data to the selected cell or spot.Always available
Paste Special

Pastes the copied or cut cell or data to the selected cell or spot in a special way depending on the selection

Four options

  • Values only
  • Format only
  • Formula only
  • All except borders
Always available
MergeMerges the selected cell(s), column(s), or row(s) together.Always available
NoteAdds a note to the selected cell(s).Always available
ProtectProtects the selected cell(s), column(s), or row(s) from editing.Always available
Hide ColumnsHides the selected column(s) from view.When selecting a column
Insert Column(s)Inserts a column, or columns, to the right of the selected column(s).When selecting a column(s)
Delete Column(s)Deletes the selected column(s).When selecting a column(s)
Hide RowsHides the selected row(s) from view.When selecting a row(s)
Insert Row

Inserts a row, or rows, below the selected row(s).

When selecting a row(s)
Delete RowDeletes the selected row(s).When selecting a row(s)
Insert LinkInserts a link into the selected cell.When selecting a cell without a link
Remove LinkRemoves a link from the selected cell(s) that has a link in it.When selecting a cell with a link
Clear FormattingClears all formatting from the selected cell(s).When selecting a cell with formatting
Sort A-ZSorts the selected column from A-Z.When a column(s) is selected
Sort Z-ASorts the selected column from Z-A.When a column(s) is selected
Sort RangeSorts the selected range.When a range of data is selected
Group ColumnsGroups selected columns together.When several columns are selected
Group RowsGroups selected rows together. When several rows are selected
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