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Excellentable Security Advisory


Multiple UUID migrations can occur when restoring Confluence after it has been brought down. This can cause a loss of data created between migrations.

Release Date


ProductConfluence Server/Data Center
Affected Versions


Customers who have been on Excellentable Server/Data-Center version 4.1.7 or lower are not affected.

Summary of Vulnerability

UUID migration can occur again if Confluence is restarted after installing the affected version. This can cause loss of any Excellentable data that was created between installing the affected version and restart time due to mismatch in IDs.

This advisory discloses a critical severity security vulnerability which was introduced in version 4.2.1 of Excellentable Server and Data-Center. 

Single Vulnerability in the Excellentable Server/Data-Center App

Severity Level:

Excellentable rates the severity level of this vulnerability as critical. This is an independent assessment and you should evaluate its applicability to your own Confluence environment.

What You Need to Do:

Customers who are running Excellentable Server or Data-Center version 4.2.1

Please upgrade your Confluence Server installations immediately to fix this vulnerability.

Upgrade (recommended)

Excellentable recommends that you upgrade to the latest version. For a full description of the latest version of Excellentable Server, see the release notes. You can download the latest version of Excellentable Server/Data-Center on the Atlassian marketplace.

Restore Missing Data

If you have experienced data loss, please follow these Steps on how to recover data on version 4.2.1.

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