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How to export to PDF a Confluence page with Excellentable but without row and column headers

You can export Excellentable on the confluence page with or without row and column headers.

  1. Go to any page in view mode which have your data in Excellentable. Edit the excellentable to remove the row or column headers.

  2.   To hide the row header, click on View and select "Row Header". It is used to show/hide the row header in the view mode.

    Row headers are marked in red color indicating that the row headers would be hidden in the "View" mode.

  3.   To hide the column header, click on View and select "Column Header". It is used to show/hide the column header in the view mode.

    Column headers are marked in red color indicating that the column headers would be hidden in the "View" mode.

  4.  Save the changes and close Excellentable.

  5. You can now see the row and column headers are hidden in the view mode.

  6. To export the PDF , in the top right corner on the view page, in Confluence, there is a button with three dots, click on the three dots.
  1. You will see an Export to PDF option, click on that button to export an Excellentable to a PDF using confluence. Once you click on Export to PDF, the PDF file is downloaded.

  2. Here is an example of the Downloaded PDF file: 

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