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How to reference a cell in one sheet from another

  1. Open the Excellentable in edit mode, go to any cell in Source sheet.
  2. In our example we are using "Transport" as the Source sheet and "Florida" as destination sheet.

  3. If you want to refer A2 cell from Source sheet in destination sheet, go to that sheet select the cell you want to put value in. And enter the formula :

  4. After referring cell from Source sheet  to Destination sheet, value should be displayed in this cell 


Using keyboard shortcuts 

  1. Initially go to excellentable in edit mode and go to any sheet select any cell 
  2. Type and press shift key

  3. Go to the another sheet you want to refer and select the cell press 'Enter' key (you can select multiple cells also)

  4. Now you will see the value you want to refer

Reference sheet with multiple words

  1. Open the Excellentable in edit mode, go to a specific cell in Source sheet.
  2. In our example we are using "Transport Portals" as the Source sheet and "Boom" as destination sheet.

  3. If you want to refer A2 cell from Source sheet in destination sheet, go to that sheet select the cell you want to put value in. And enter the formula :
    ='Sheet Name'!CellAddress

  4. After referring cell from Source sheet  to Destination sheet, value should be displayed in this cell

Reference a selected set of cells from an adjacent sheet 

  1. Open the Excellentable in edit mode, go to a specific
  2. In our example we are using "Sheet5-Banner" as the Source sheet and "Sheet3" as destination sheet.
  3. If you want to reference cells A3-A5 and execute a function from the source sheet in the destination sheet, go to the destination sheet and enter the formula :
  4. After referring cell from Source sheet  to Destination sheet, value should be displayed in this cell

Reference another sheet's range

  1. Open the Excellentable in edit mode

  2. Create a new sheet (Sheet3) and add A B C to A1:A3

  3. Pick a cell on Sheet1

  4. Choose Data→Validation

  5. Choose Formula List as the type

  6. Set the formula to Sheet2!A1:A3

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