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How to use the custom template with Excellentable.

  1. Click on the "Create from template" button of the Confluence menu bar.

  2. Select the space where the custom macro is in the "Create" dialog.

  3. Search the custom macro using the live search in "Create" dialog.


    1. Double click on the filtered macro.


    2. Click on the "Create" button in the "Create" dialog to open the template.

  4. Fill in the page title and save the page.
  5. Re-enter the page edit mode and click on the Excellentable macro to open the Excellentable in edit mode.

  6. Update the template as expected and then click on "Publish" button of "File" menu.

  7. Click on the "Close" button of "File" menu.


    See Also: 
    How to create a custom template with Excellentable.
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