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Frequently asked questions about Excellentable

Collaborative Editing

Q: Why is Collaborative editing is not working properly?
A: Collaborative editing uses our cloud service to provide functionality. It may not function if your corporate firewall blocks external connections required for collaborative editing to function properly. We are working on providing collaborative editing on-prem for large customers with security policies to external connections.

Q: Does this macro update live without uploading and downloading? 
A: Yes, this can be done using a collaborating editing feature where every user which have permission on the sheet and can do live editing and saving on sheet.

Q: We are interested in Collaborative Editing – but do not want our data to the internet (cloud service). Do you have on your roadmap the ability to do collaborative editing on premises? Ie: Could I host your cloud component in my data center?
A: We are working towards collaborative editing behind the firewall without the need to connect to our server. A beta version should ideally be available at the end of Q4 2020. A full functional version should be available to upgrade to in the marketplace in early Q1 2021. 

Q: Is collaborate editing working in data center?
A: It is working on Data center, but you need to connect to an external database. We have a beta version for this feature behind your firewall as well. If you are interested i can send you the beta version and instruction on how to set up the service.\

Q: Does Exellentable use services other than Confluence? If so: Which? Are they to be disabled by the admin?
A: Excellentable uses an external server called Einstein which is necessary in order to enable collaborative editing. This feature can be disabled by the admins. This is the only services or than Confluence Excellentable uses.

Q: Who is the manufacturer/ programmer of Einstein?
A: Addteq is the manufacturer/programmer.  

Q: What does ‘external’ mean: just external to the confluence-universe or third-party service which is operated but by the manufacturer/ programmer (like e.g. Google's docs)?
A: External to confluence.

Q: Are we able to set it up on our own hardware?
A: Yes, but it is available as a beta feature currently.

Q: Is the assumption correct that Excellentable + Einstein work in a similar way like known end-user cloud services (e.g. Google's sheets)?
A: Yes

Q: Is the assumption correct that there is but one editing user at the same time (i.e. is the spreadsheet locked for editing by others)?
A: Only If Einstien/Newton is disabled.

Q: If so, do other potential editors get a notification on the spreadsheet being locked?
A: Yes, a pop-up message will show up. 

Q: Do the other potential editors get a follow-up notification on the spreadsheet being unlocked again?
A: No. The user needs to exit the Excellentable and re-enter. 

Q: How many people can edit the spreadsheet at once? 
A: There is no limit to how many people can edit the spreadsheet at once, but users start seeing some lag after 8-9 users. 

Q: What data is stored on Google's Firebase?
A: is only used if you are using collaborative editing. And that is just to enable collaborative editing, we purge the data there every 15 days.

Q:  Would there be some extra charge if a Collaborative Editing feature in Excel is applied in Confluence DataCenter version?
A: Use Addteq Collaborative editing services. There is no extra cost associated with it.

Q: We would be happy to have a guidance in order a Collaborative Editing feature to be applied in Confluence DataCenter.
A: Create a copy of addteq's services and host it on your end. Addteq does not charge for copying the service either. however, your customer will bear a small cost of hosting and maintaining the server, but this cost should be negligible.

Q: I am trying to enable Collaborative Editing. However, when I enabled Einstein, I receive a warning message 'Oh no! Excellentable Collaborative editing server is unreachable. Could not connect to Einstein service due to An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.' What is causing this and how can it be fixed? 
A: Something is not allowing the connection to be made to Einstein. The host will need to check the firewall settings. You will need to open the firewall port in order to enable an outbound connection from your confluence server to Since is using "https", please open port number 443. If the firewall is not the cause, then we will check the Einstein server itself. 

Q: When enabling collaborative editing, we get the message "Collaborative editing is enabled successfully". But, when using the plugin, it gives a error message - "Multiple people are currently editing the same spreadsheet and Excellentable collaborative editing is disabled. It is recommended to edit one user at a time or enable collaborative editing". How can this be fixed? 
Collaborative editing uses our cloud service to provide functionality. It may not function if your corporate firewall blocks external connections required for collaborative editing to function properly. Let's check if you need to open a firewall request for outbound connection to originating from your confluence server. Please try connecting to the confluence server using SSH and running the below command and reply with the outcome:

// curl -w '%{http_code}'

If you receive a HTTP 403 response as shown below, your server is able to make connection to the service. If you do not get the 403 response, you will need to open the firewall port in order to enable an outbound connection from your confluence server to Firewall rule between User to Einstein Server must be fully enabled.  Since is using "https", please open port number 443.

Q: Is internet connectivity required for both Einstein and Newton setup?  
Internet connectivity is required for the setup. The setup for Newton allows you to create your own collaborative editing service using a Docker image, Debian package, or an RPM Package. Users will have to install either the docker or Debian/RPM package and then can setup the environment from which will be entered in Confluence. There are no additional steps then those found here:


Q: We are in the process of installing Newton but our Confluence datacenter app nodes are WINDOWS 2016 servers. Do you have specific documentation for that ?
A: I have been advised the first approach from the document, the docker approach, will work for your current set-up.

Q: We are not able to enable collaborative editing behind the firewall (Newton). We are on Confluence Server. We followed the instructions to set up Newton Collaborative Editing Server Setup and completed newton installation. However, we are not able to enable it. 
A: You can install the Data Center version of the app. First uninstall the current Excellentable version. The existing Excellentables and its data will be retained after installing the plugin. Once you go through the setup instruction, head to the Excellentable configuration screen. You will then able to enable Newton in Confluence Server. 

Q: I had seen both Newton and Einstein options. I temporarily enabled Einstein and now the Newton option went missing. We tried to remove Excellentable from confluence and re-adding it, but this did not change anything. Also tried to switch on/off collaborative editing. Still cant switch to Newton server. Why is this? What happened to the Newton option?   
A: Right now we do not allow switching from newton to Einstein or visa versa. We do not allow switching due to the potential of data retention. So we hide the  other option once you've setup your collaborative instance to either option.

Q: How can I get the Newton option back? 
A: That would require a background manual process with help from a tech. I am gathering information as we speak. I will touch basis once I get the right procedure. 

Q: When enabling collaborative editing, we get the message "Collaborative editing is enabled successfully". But, when using the plugin, it gives a error message - "Error Initializing Live editing. Now editing in Single user mode. Please retry by refreshing the page or contact your administrator. ". How can this be fixed? 
A: If present, remove the froward slash "/" at the end of the url in the Endpoint field of the Newton CES proprieties line. Make sure the firewall rule between the User to Newton server is fully enabled. First, the User to Confluence server port 443 needs to be fully enabled. Then, confirm the User to Newton server port 443 is enabled. Double check this is not only enabled within your the internal corporate network.  

Something that is a must is that Nginx must be running and Nginx should be listening to port 443. One instance from a past customer had encountered this same issue, and found it was due to them enabling gzip compression in Nginx. If this can be confirmed disabled that will help. 

Q: We plan on using Excellentable offline, which is why we have setup Netwon service. If there is any additional steps required for offline setup, please share the steps to be followed.
A: There are no additional steps then those found here:
One clarification is that the Newton feature is not designed to be able to use Excellentable offline, but a way to use Excellentable behind the firewall. We received a lot of cases where Excellentable customers wanted to collaboratively edit their spreadsheets but were unable to connect to an external firebase server Thus, we created a service so that could be managed by the users. If you plan to use Newton on a server environment, you will need to install the data center Excellentable build. You will have to uninstall the server build and install the data center version. The Newton feature will need to recognize a data center license in order to be enabled. 

Q: What goes in these text boxes, DB info? The db is on remote server so do need full path? Username/Password is that the admin or db ones? 
A: To answer your first reply, you will need to run the setup, fill in the values for the requested fields, & restart the service for the setup to fully engage. The information to provide include the Confluence credentials, the Confluence base url, & database port & name if asked. Once the setup is complete, you will need to add the endpoint entered in the newton setup. Insert the the path before entering the port number. The username/poassword is the database ones you entered when setting up the newton server. If present, remove the forward slash "/" at the end of the url in the Endpoint field of the Newton CES proprieties line. 

Q: Is the endpoint the URL as above? Or url/link to where the db is? The username password is the database one as mentioned, so thinking that endpoint is the url/link to the db not the app? What should the Endpoint link look like? A https link ie https://server/ or a database connect string or filepath or ????
A: The endpoint is the url where the database is; it won't be the confluence url. An example of what the url should be is "https://example:8080". The link must be using an https, not http.  

Q: So nginx has to be running where the db is, does the newton sh have to be running on the same machine as the db or on the app server?
A: The has to be run on the same machine as the database. it is not recommended to run it in the app sever as that will put a tremendous load on the server. Typically the database stays external, though in theory if the database and newton are running on different ports, it should still 'work'. However, best if both database and newton run in separate boxes so as to avoid any server loads, depending on the traffic. 


Q: What is the size limit of spreadsheet files in Excellentable?
A: Excellentable can handle up to 1 million cells. However, Collaborative editing stops functioning at 400 thousand cells to maintain user experience.

Q: When creating a new Excellentable, what is the limit on the number of columns? is it limited by the width of Confluence page?
A: When you create new Excellentable by default is it created with 20 column but there is no limit on the number of columns.

Q: When importing a CSV file, is there a limit on number of columns?
A: There is no limit, you can import unlimited columns.

Q: Do Excellentable sheets count towards Confluence Cloud storage limit? 
A: Excellentable sheets do not count towards the Cloud storage limit. Only content saved in the sheets will count towards the storage limit. 


Q: Why is Exellentable Unable to import my file?
A: Excellentable supports importing of .xlsx, .xls and .csv files. However, some common issues may occur with an older version of .xls files.

Q: Does this macro support Microsoft excel files? 
A: Yes, you can import your excel file into the Excellentable sheet within confluence and use it for editing within the confluence.

Q: Is it possible to hide a range of cells from viewing/exporting and make them visible while editing the sheet?
A: A workaround is to hide the cells by selecting the rows(or columns) and shrinking the size to zero. You can select multiple rows (or columns) and shrink the size at once.

Q: Can you import using an excel macro file? 
A: Excel macros are not supported. 

Q: Wondering how to automate importing a cvs file into excellentable through open API
A: Unfortunately we disabled using open API for Excellentable due to security reasons. Atlassian had conducted some changes to their security, thus, the REST API feature no longer works since Excellentable cloud started using exc-js. Currently the only way to import a csv file inside Excellentable can be done manually. 

Q: Do we have recommended settings for our customers to setup when working with the largest excel files (CPU, RAM, IOPS and etc)?
A: We do not have any recommendations on specific setups when dealing with large excel files. We only provide a cap on how large an excel file can be imported for the user to remain in collaborative edit mode. 

Q: Could you please suggest some resolutions to fix the limit of importing file's size?
A: The file size import is roughly 2MB, though in some cases you should be able to.import larger files too.


Q: Help! I lost data curing concurrent editing!
A: We recommend users to frequently save versions to avoid any accidental deletion. Collaborative editing is a cache. It doesn't store data within versions. Data removed without saving will be lost forever.

Q: Is data lost when app is reinstalled? 
A: You can reinstall the add-on without any data loss. Your data will remain safe and it is not deleted.  

Q: I don't want my Excellentable editable/readable by some users. How can I update their permissions?
A: Excellentable permissions are inherited from Confluence permissions. You can protect your spreadsheet to avoid accidental edits by editing your Confluence page & space permission settings. 

Q: We are a current customer and looking to determine if this application is compliant with HIPAA regulations, as our environment is currently hosted in a HIPAA compliance. Does the application store any of the table data outside of our servers?
A: We connect to the external server only for our collaborative editing services. So in case, your applications are behind a firewall they will not be able to edit collaboratively.

Q: I've read that Excellentable has access to “Act on a user’s behalf, even when the user is offline” and “Read data from the host application”. Could you tell me how this works at what account authority level when user is offline.  
A: we don't make any calls when the user is not online, however the above wording is what is required by Atlassian when using the "ACT_AS_USER" scope in Confluence Cloud apps.  

Q: Does this macro establish a communication between different excel files in different locations within confluence? 
A: Confluence is an application that can access from a different location if you configure like that and an excel sheet always available on the confluence so it is based on permission. Excellentable sheet permission inherited from Confluence space permission if the user doesn't have permission to that space then automatically the user not able to access the Excellentable sheet.

Q: Do you guarantee our data to be stored and processed but on the servers specified by us (i.e. the ones then hosting confluence)?
A: We can guarantee your data will be stored and will only be processed and specified by you.

Q: Our team is interested on how Excellentable can write a whole excel in database. I see that we can retrieve versions of Excellentable from the Confluence database. Can I select with some scripts the data from the database? Is there more information with simple select script.  
A: Yes, this is possible. You can run a SQL query to retrieve the Excellentable versions. You can use the command detailed in our article here:

Q: Is it possible to see whole Excellentable information in database? 
A: It is not possible. The Excellentable and its content is gzipped in the database. After retrieving the zip file, you can unzip the file and then import the json file into Excellentable. We used to support REST APIs for Excellentable (including import, export and edit), but with the changes in Confluence security and add-on policies, we no longer support them. If it is possible to let me know the exact use case I can try getting some information from the dev team on how to do it.

Q: Where are the Excellentables docs stored? Because when we upload the data, our Confluence quota usage seems not to change. Does it mean what we have an external from Confluence storage for our documents?
A: The spreadsheets are stored as a JSON (inna compressed format) with your confluence. The compressed data is miniscule compared to the overall confluence size, so it might not register.

Q: Where is the data stored?
A: If you are using Server/DC the data is stored with your confluence.

Q: We are running on Cloud. We updated our baseurl and now our existing Excellentables are not rending. Based on your documentation, this is a common issue when changing the Atlassian organisation name and you suggest to contact the support to fix it. When opening a page that has embed a Excellentable, the excel is not being displayed, instead the following message appears: User does not have sufficient privileges to access this Content. Learn More
A: Our team will need to have to update the info in the DB. All of the pages still have the same contentEntityId, thus we would be able to update the baseUrl for their tables in our DB to fix the authentication issues. For this, we require the page ID of each page with an Excellentable, the original baseurl and the new baseurl.  

Q: We notice that calls are being made to when the plugin is enabled. If the Excellentable plugin is disabled the calls are no longer made. Please advise how we can disable these calls to 3rd party site
A: Calls being made to is by design. It cannot be disabled. 


Q: Are we allowed to install our Server version of Excellentable in our Disaster Recovery site if it’s not an active production environment? It would only become active if production went down. 
A: You should have received a dev key for Excellentable in your MyAtlasian account. This dev key can be used for the DR site. In case you have to switch the DR site to the live one, you can switch the dev key with the production key. 

Free Trial

Q: We have just tried to start a free trial as administrator for the excellentable macro. Can everyone use and access this macro?  
A: If you have installed the plugin with a license then everyone will access the macro and will not take time to install. 

Q: I had a 30 day free trial of Excellentable Spreadsheet for Confluence Cloud version. The trial ended and I'd now like to buy a license for it but I can't find where to do that. Is that how it typically works or do I need to purchase the plug-in through marketplace after their trial ends? 
A: At the end of the trial period, your Excellentable will automatically be billed (if you have updated your card information with Atlassian). Otherwise, we can send the bill to yourself, and generate an annual cloud license for you. Check that you current licenses are being managed through a partner or via marketplace.



Q: What will happen in Confluence when the license of the product in use expires? 
A: The Excellentable in the page will no longer show the table itself but rather it will be replaced with a yellow notice box stating that Excellentable has expired. The organization will have to purchase and upload a new license in order to restore the table.

Q: What is the impact on page created using the plug-in? 
A: The Confluence page itself will be fine with the above mentioned warning box. Confluence and all of the pages are unaffected when the license expires.

Q: Our license is expiring soon. Can we use the application without renewing it as we are not using collaborative editing. How does it impact the functionality of the plugin?
A: For Server, once the license expires, you will still be able to view and edit Excellentable. However, Atlassian is ending support for Server soon. Once the support ends, you will not be able to update Excellentable. Your employer will have to purchase either Excellentable Data Center or Cloud afterwards. 

Q: Our license is expiring soon. Will the standalone version have different license. I mean do we need to buy it separately? Or, it will be covered under same license?
A: Since your Excellentable maintenance will end soon, you will not be able to upgrade to the newer versions of Excellentable released after the expiring date. However, you will be able to use the current versions of Excellentable. Since the collaborative editing behind firewall feature will most likely be released early next year, you will not be to upgrade to the newer version without renewing your licenses.

Q: Can you tell me if the pricing will be changing and if so to what? I would like to know before I get to far into this.f
A: Regarding the pricing we might expect a change in prices for non-beta, but we will be able to confirm the prices once we are closer to the release. We will inform all existing customers and evaluators before we update the price.


Q: When your plugin is deactivated, what happens to all the content on our confluence pages? Is it not unreadable and unusable? 
A: Every Excellentable in Confluence will no longer show the table itself but rather it will be replaced with a yellow notice box. The macro will not render in view or edit mode. The draft data will be purged from Firebase. Although the spreadsheet is editable nor viewable, all of the saved content within the Excellentable remains maintained in the case if you either re-enable Excellentable or apply a new license. As soon as either is done, the Excellentable spreadsheets will return with the saved content.

Q: What happens to our spreadsheet data in confluence if we decide to uninstall Excellentable? 
A: If you uninstall excellentable from your Confluence, the files will remain in your backend but will not be visible in the Confluence pages.


Q: Is there a way to prevent editing in published mode?
A: Regarding editing in published mode, Excellentable permissions are inheritied from Confluence, so anyone with edit access to the page can edit the sheet as well. However, to prevent any accidental change, you can lock the sheet or cells. This feature is currently available only in Server/DC version as of now, and will be available for Cloud post October.


Q: The filter/sort feature is not working properly.
A:  Please select the whole table to get the filters/sort feature to properly enable. Excellentable does not support Autofilters/Auto-sort as of now.

Disabling ability 

Q: Is it possible to disable the function "View Mode - Edit Data"?
A: Unfortunately there is no feature available to disable the 'view mode-edit mode' function. 

Plug-in compatibility

Q: With the integration of, how does Excellentable display data from the tables?
A: The data in Excellentable will be displayed as set up in Excellentable edit mode. Excellentable has been tested and validated to be compatible with the plugin. The data will not directly integrate with the plugin when both macros are used in the same page. You can safely use both macros and there will be no disruptions to your spreadsheet.

Table Header

Q: I am trying to get the table header (top row that is frozen) to stay at the top of the Confluence page when I scroll down the page – but it does not stay there… Is there a way to do that? 
A: The frozen table header will only stay in place within the Excellentable macro as you scroll down the spreadsheet. Once you reach the end of the spreadsheet, scrolling down will continue along the Confluence page and thus move along from the macro. 

Q: I found in your documentation that during excel import you support hyperlink import. Does it mean you support hyperlink also to another place in the document? I am asking because when I tried it did not work for me. Hyperlink to internet page (e.g. worked fine.
A: At this time, we currently only support hyperlink import of an XLSX file. The hyperlink function needs to be enhanced in Excellentable. This has been already noted and the improvement to this function is in our backlog. The hyperlink function will be enhanced within the tool, when exported, and when imported from a file in a future release.

Q: Is there a way to create a link from a calculated string, or does it have to be hard coded? 
A: It is possible. It should look as follows as an example:


Q: The hotkey Ctrl+S redirecting to local storage (Files on computer) whereas it should save in Confluence. 
A: This depends on the cursor's focus within the Confluence page. Clicking in the URL or the space along the menu & toolbar before pressing the hotkey means you are directing the focus to the local machine. You can save the spreadsheet if your cursor's last focus is directed within the spreadsheet and any of the first layer's shortcut features.  


Q: I really need ___ Feature. How can I request it?
A: Open a feature request ticket on our customer portal. We will be sure to add it to our development backlog.

Q: We use Confluence as an online help. Now every time when a new customer enters the site, the commercial hint of excellentable is shown (see attachment). This is annoying. Can I turn it off somehow?
A: This pop-up was intended to be seen only upon the first time. The reason is that it is meant to educate the users that Excellentable installed. Once the individual users click on "Don't show me again" the pop will go away. We released version 4.2.3 that includes the ability to disable this pop-up if the Excellentable license type is Evaluation. 

Feature Request

Q: A feature I am looking for is provided in the Excellentable documentation but I cannot see it in my version. How can I get that feature?
A:  This can be due to two reasons:

  1. Either you are on a cloud version of Excellentable. Some features are not available in Excellentable Cloud
  2. You do not have the latest version installed on your Confluence instance. Compare your version with the latest Excellentable version by going to this page or simply by going to the about us section in the help menu of Excellentable. You may need your admin to upgrade the version.

Q: What are some future changes that will be made in Excellentable?
A: Some changes planned for Excellentable's future, in the order of release, are:

  • Server to Cloud migration
  • Comments and assignments
  • Collaborative editing on-prem
  • Localization (Currency, dates, time, preferences)
  • Graphs and Charts
  • Pivots Tables
  • Jira integrations

Q: Is there a way to conditionally highlight the row/column we select in a excellentable table similar to what we can do so in excel via function i.e.  =OR(CELL(“col”)=COLUMN(),CELL(“row”)=ROW())
A: Unfortunately we won't be adding backend scripting to Excellentable adding anytime soon. It would have to be added to the backlog. 

Q: We will have employees viewing pricing spreadsheets in read only mode, and don't want copies laying around that will eventually be outdated. Can you tell me if it's possible to disable the function to export an Excellentable spreadsheet? 
A: Currently there is no way to disable the export feature. We do not have this feature as exporting the spreadsheet is an optional choice made by the user. We will however add this feature in the future version 4.6. 

Q: Can I setup number formatting? eg. number 1200 should be displayed like 1 200 (space between thousand and hundred) is formatting numbers like this possible? 
A: Currently at this time, there is no set-in place formatting option to display the number as so. The only way is to manually add a space. Just be aware, if you manually add a space, you won't be able to use that number in a formula. Custom formatting is in our backlog and will be available in a future release. 

Q: I'm just wondering how we can display the actual Excellentable version on our confluence page as per this article which retrieves the value via SQL. 
A:  After retrieving the results of the version retrieved for the example Excellentable from Confluence database, you should be able to import the json data into a newly created Excellentable. 

Cloud and Server Migration

Q: Do you have tips for making the table look slicker in published mode?
A: We are currently working on merging the cloud and server versions of Excellentable, which ideally should come out somewhere in October. This would enable you to remove the row and column headers, in the view mode and also display the sheet as an HTML, which will make the table looks a lot better.

Q:  We are going to migrate confluence from one cloud instance to another cloud instance. Could you please tell me if we should do any additional steps for correct moving all data from the plugin?
A: At this time we are not supporting Excellentable cloud to cloud migration. We plan to test this in the upcoming release. During this time, we recommend Space by Space exporting and importing. This requires custom scripting on your end to ensure successful data migration. What needs to be done is:   

  1. Create a custom script that goes through all the pages of a Confluence Space in your source Confluence Cloud instance, creates a list of Excellentable spreadsheets on these pages, and exports all these spreadsheets to your file system.
  2. Create a custom script that goes through all the pages of the same Confluence Space in your target Confluence Cloud instance, and imports all the previously exported Excellentable spreadsheets to their relevant Confluence pages.

Q: Is there any plans to support Migration Assistant in the future? If you have a plan, please tell us when it will be supported.
A: We do have plans to support Migration Assistant. This feature was already in our backlog. We are expected to have this feature released in Q3 of this year.

Q: What kind of migration method recommended when migrating add-on product data from a server environment to a cloud environment.
A: The method will most likely be a one click export in Server and a one click import in cloud of the add-on data.

Q: Could you please tell me if you have a document or web page URL that contains information on migrating to a cloud environment.
A: Documentation for this method will be published to our site once the feature is released. The current documentation we have to migrate right now is here:

Q: Where do you store their data? Is it in Europe? 
A: The data is precisely stored with Addteq in the United States of America. The data is stored in the form of entity properties in our host application. Using Newton for collaborative editing & the Data Center version of Excellentable does not use any cloud infrastructure. 

Q: Do you have any way to identify all Confluence pages where Excellentable is used? 
A: In Confluence, choose the search field at the top-right of every page and type "macroName:Excellentable*" in the search box (do not include the parenthesis). Hit "Enter" and now you should now see all the Confluence pages with Excellentable. 

Q: Is there a way to see how many pages in my server contains an Excellentable?  
A: To find out how many pages use Excellentable, the plugin 'Confluence Cloud Migration Assistance' can assist. From the Confluence Admin settings, select Migration Assistant under Atlassian Cloud and then select 'Access your apps'. From there, scroll down to Excellentable and it will show how many pages Excellentable appears on.


Q: According to your privacy policy, you cannot ensure that the data remains under the conditions of the EU-GDPR. Do you have any kind of agreement that allows the use of the software under the EU-GDPR conditions?  
We have plans to make Excellentable GDPR complaint with an upcoming feature release. This future feature release will grant users the ability to ensure self-hosted collaborative editing. We are expected to release this feature by end of Q1 2021. We will be updating our privacy policy once the feature has been released and we solidify the GDPR compliance conditions.

Q: Your privacy policy indicates that you do not collect any app data, but do perform analytics based on app usage. Could you please share whether the data which is collected via your analytic services is stored in the EU, whether it's anonymized and if the app is GDPR compliant?
A: The data we collect via our analytics services is stored with Addteq in the United States. The data is stored in the form of entity properties in our host application. The app is indeed GDPR complaint since we released the Newton collaborative editing feature. This feature grants the user the ability to ensure self-hosted collaborative editing. With Newton you can run collaborative editing behind the firewall instead of outside the firewall. 


Q: Can I using REST API to call Excellentable's table? The online document seemed to be available before, but it seems to be unavailable now.
A: Recently we removed all documentation regarding rest api from the site. Atlassian had conducted some changes to their security, thus, the REST API feature no longer works since Excellentable cloud started using exc-js. The recent changes also present as a security issue with Server and Data Center environments too. Using REST APIs is no longer accessible.

General Questions

Q: Does Exellentable require services (especially cloud-services, e.g. Google, Azure, Amazon, …) other than Confluence? If so: Which and why?
A: Excellentable does not require any other cloud services other than Confluence. 

Q: Customers will not have the ability to customize the db with Excellentable correct? 
A: If this customer is on server the database is owned by them. You should already be able to customize the db as it is owned by you. There is no recommended settings we can provide on customizing the db.

Q: I don't see Excellentable macro on my Confluence page. Is there some version requirement?
A: There is no version requirement for Cloud users. Please ensure you have added Excellentable installed in our Confluence environment. If you still have questions, please reach out to our support team and raise a request here and we will be willing to assist:


Q: How much does the acquisition of Excellentable and Einstein (own-server installation) cost?
A: Excellentable pricing is detailed here 

Q: Are those prices per user or is there a minimum amount of users to be licensed?
A: Addteq does not charge for CES service separately.  Therefore, the cost of setup of Newton depends on the your server deployment and your internal costs. However, the overall cost of deploying and running the server should very low vis-a-vis Excellentable cost.

Q: How long is the licence term?
A: Excellentable licenses are sold over Atlassian marketplace so you have the option to co-term them with your base Confluence licenses.

Q: Excellentable Spreadsheet for Confluence cloud version for 12 months. What the price is per year? Could you give us some discount?
A: The Excellentable pricing is $0.5 per user per month. For 6,000 users I believe the price should be around 6000*0.5*10 = $30,000 as annual users just have to pay for 10 months. Cloud transactions are done through the marketplace so I guess you would get the standard 20% discount from the marketplace. However, I believe that there are some Atlassian migration discounts currently active, which should reduce the price for the customer.

Q: Excellentable Spreadsheet for Confluence SEN-13047896 server version for 12 months (2021 Sept 6 - 2022 Sept 6) - the price is 0 USD. This would mean we will get this for free. Is it correct?
A: If the customer purchases cloud before the expiry date, we can surely discuss the 100% discount code. However, if they intend to purchase later in the year, it would be difficult to give 100% discount. Even in the case of a late purchase we can find some common ground. 

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