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Highlight cells based on text rules

  1.  Open a confluence page and create a new Excellentable or edit an existing Excellentable.
  2. Select the cells you want to apply format rules to.
    In this example we want to highlight all cities in Column E which start with the letter 'S'

  3. Click Format and then Conditional formatting. A toolbar will open to the right. There are multiple options available to select the Text conditional formatting rule.

  4. Create a rule by choosing the condition and the style if required.
    For this example: Select the rule "Cell text starts with" and enter the open text field "S". Select the background color (light green) and font color (dark green). Click "Add Rule".

  5. Add another Rule (If required)
    If multiple rules are required, you can stack rules together. To add a rule click "Add New Rule".
    In this example we highlight the text ending with 'n. with light blue Background and Dark blue text.

  6. Exit after you have applied all the required rules. Your Excellentable should show the rules in the Conditional formatting dialog now.

See Also:

Conditional Formatting in Excellentable

View/Edit existing conditional formatting

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