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Conditional Formatting in Excellentable

Conditional formatting is available with Excellentable 4.1.2 and above. Please upgrade your Excellentable to use this feature.

Conditional formatting allows you to format cells, rows, or column to change text or background color if they meet certain conditions. For example, if they contain a certain number or if they are ranked. You can use the following formats in Excellentable.

Conditional Formatting TypeDescription
Empty/Non-Empty CellsHighlight cells based on values if they are empty or not
TextHighlight Cells based on text (example: highlight text beginning with, or ending with certain phrase)
NumberHighlight cells based on numbers (example: highlight value greater than or less than a certain number)
DateHighlight cells based on a date (example: highlight value greater than or all dates in previous week)
FormulaHighlight cells based on a formula. Use this if you want to highlight a complete column/row
Advanced Conditional formattingHighlight cells based on a Unique values/top X values/ Bottom X values/ Average cells/ Data Bars/Icon Sets


  1. On a confluence page create a new Excellentable or open an existing Excellentable.
  2. Select the cells you want to apply format rules to.
    In this example we want to highlight all cells with value over 100 in Sales (Line A) Column

  3. Click Format and then Conditional formatting. A toolbar will open to the right.

  4. Create a rule by choosing the condition and the style if required.
    For this example: In "when" select value is greater than, and in the text field add 150 to select the condition. Select the background colour (light red) and select the font colour(dark red). Click "Add Rule".
  5. Add another Rule (If required)
    If multiple rules are required, you can stack rules together. 
    In this example we are highlighting values between 100 and 150 in dark green, with light green background. You may notice that the existing Conditional Formatting rule is displayed.

  6. Exit after you have applied all the required rules. Your Excellentable should show the rules in the Conditional formatting now.

You can also set multiple conditional formatting rules to compare two different ranges on a sheet ie F2:F16 with G2:G16. 

  1. On a confluence page create a new Excellentable or open an existing Excellentable.
  2. Select the cells you want to apply format rules to. 
    In this example we want to highlight all cells with value over 100 in both Sales (Line A) & Sales Line (B) Column

  3. Click Format and then Conditional formatting. A toolbar will open to the right.
  4. Create a rule by choosing the condition and the style if required.
    For this example: In "when" select value is greater than, and in the text field add 150 to select the condition. Select the background colour (light red) and select the font colour(dark red). Click "Add Rule".

  5. Add another Rule (If required)

See Also:

View/Edit existing conditional formatting

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